Resistance market
At SOTU, we’ve invited a couple of small businesses and emerging artists to curate activities, sell their goods and share their work with us. Check ‘em all out below.
Peach fuzz magazine
Peach Fuzz is a quarterly, print-only, lady-run, sex-positive nudie mag.
by akki
Austin-based artist, doodler, designer and maker on a mission to put a smile on your face.
Radical Girl gang
Radical Girl Gang was born out of the belief that fashion can be more than a means of expression — it can be a catalyst for positive change in the world.
Yes, ma’am press
Yes, Ma’am is a feminist zine by Elle Minter and Suzy González. Through self-publishing, they provide a free speech platform for feminist dialogues and artwork.
Book woman
BookWoman began 39 years ago in an upstairs shop on Guadalupe. It started out as a collective called The Common Woman Bookstore (based on the Judy Grahn poem).
The store took on the name BookWoman and moved to 6th Street. After that, BookWoman moved to 12th and Lamar, and since 2008 the store has been located at 5501 North Lamar.
Eythink is an ongoing exploration of art objects, accessories, and apparel by Lindsay Eyth.
A functional democracy
In early 2015, A Functional Democracy cofounder Amy Stansbury was frustrated. She wanted a way to make civics more fun and accessible. She dreamed of a day when all Austinites voted in local elections and showed up to important City Council meetings.
And that's when she met Hal and Jordan, two amazing local designers and artists passionate about civic duty and making information more accessible.
vegan chorizo
“As a queer woman of color, I strongly believe in power of art for social change and amplifying the voices of women artists, activists, and entrepreneurs.“ - Juanita Segovia
Yocelyn riojas
Yocelyn Riojas is a Latinx designer, illustrator, and resistance artist passionate about empowering her community through creating a voice for people of color. Her art depicts themes of Latinx culture, women empowerment, and issues surrounding immigration. Yocelyn currently lives in San Marcos, Texas and is pursuing her Master of Fine Arts at Texas State. Recently, she has been gaining momentum amplifying political messages in support of people of color through art.
senders receive
Tarot & Lenormand Readings and Reiki & Chakra Consultations by Kristin Marie in Austin, Texas.
Keep Austin Queer
Keep Austin Queer is an Austin based social enterprise dedicated to starting & sustaining a scholarship for Queer Austinites.
Solaris the hii priestess
“I am Solaris the hii priestess I offer both tarot and astrology here in Austin. To give you a little background on my work I have been brought out to do readings at various festivals such as MalaLuna, SXSW, ACL,and local music and art shows. I have also done events at different media platforms such as facebook, bossbabes ,YouTube and space 24. I put on my own local events such as #TarotTuesday and also have a YouTube series for astrology and tarot.
My tarot sessions are another form of therapy. I create a space for people to vent without judgement.” - Solaris
Theory garden
Theory Garden is a story told through fashion and photography specializing in hand-printed vintage blazers. Each garment from our collection is printed in-house with our hand-carved stamps. Created and directed by Leslie Barrientos and Cody Evans, a couple who met through philosophical storytelling combine their loved for writing, photography, fashion, art, sculpture, and vintage tech to inspire their limited collections of hand-printed blazers. Theory Garden strives to produce versatile, one-of-a-kind blazers as an affordable fashion accessory that can be an essential piece in anyone’s every day wardrobe for any season.
chauncey and coco
Chauncey and Coco is a collection of small batch handmade jewelry and home goods designed and created by a team of sisters based in Houston, Texas. We are self taught artists who believe in shopping small, supporting local, calling our mom back, and in the infinite power of women.
Booti babe beauty
An Austin-based, women-owned, indie beauty business specializing in natural skincare for your booty!